Absentee Voting in Delaware

Your guide to voting by absentee ballot

The quickest and most convenient way to request an absentee ballot is to visit the voter portal, iVote, and follow the instructions there to request a ballot.

Note: If your absentee status in iVote is listed as "Indefinite", this means that you have requested to be a permanent absentee voter. You will automatically receive an absentee ballot for all elections for which you are eligible to vote.

Voting By Absentee Ballot

Here's a short video on the Absentee Ballot Application:


Accessible Absentee Voting

Absentee voting options are available to voter who utilize accessibility tools. Delaware law permits electronic delivery and return of absentee ballots to certain voters, including voters who are sick or temporarily or permanently physically disabled. Please complete the absentee ballot application. or request an absentee ballot application via the voter portal, iVote, and request electronic delivery to receive your ballot in a format that will be compatible with accessibility software.

General, Special & Primary Elections

Public School Elections

Absentee Ballot Application Form