School Elections

What is absentee voting?

  • The way a person who cannot go to a Polling Place on Election Day can vote.
  • A person can vote absentee by mail or at the county Department's office. People who want to vote at the county Department's office must make an appointment by calling the office. Click here for contact information.
  • The Department of Elections for each county has responsibility for conducting Public School Elections as specified in Delaware Code, Title 14. The school districts for which each Department of Elections is responsible is listed on the School District Responsibility Page. Mailing addresses and other contact information for the Departments of Elections for each county is on the Contact Information page.

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Who can vote by absentee ballot?

To vote by Absentee Ballot in public school elections, you must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States;
  • Be a resident and citizen of the State of Delaware;
  • Reside within the school district for which the election is being conducted;
  • Be 18 years of age or older; and
  • Complete and sign an Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections; and
  • Be unable to go to the polls on the day of the election for one of the reasons listed below.

You may vote by absentee ballot if you cannot vote at a polling place on the day of a school election for one of the following reasons:

  1. You are in the public service of the United States or the State of Delaware, or are a Citizen of the U.S. temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the U.S. and the District of Columbia, or such person's spouse or dependent when residing with or accompanying such person, or absent from this State because of illness or injury while serving the Armed Forces of the U.S.
  2. You are in the Armed Forces of the U.S. or the Merchant Marine of the U.S., or attached to and serving with the Armed Forces of the U.S. in the American Red Cross or United Service Organizations.
  3. Due to the nature of your business or occupation. This reason includes:
    • the business or occupation of providing care to one's parent, spouse, or child who is living at home and requires constant care due to illness, disability, or injury;
    • students; and
    • otherwise eligible persons who are incarcerated.
  4. You are sick or physically disabled (temporarily or permanently).
  5. You are absent from the district while on vacation.
  6. You are unable to vote at a certain time or on a certain day due to the tenets or teachings of your religion.
  7. You are otherwise authorized pursuant to the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) to vote by absentee ballot.
  8. You are otherwise authorized by federal law to vote by absentee ballot.

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What are the deadlines?

  • Return the application 4 days before the election if you want your ballot mailed to you.
  • You can vote in our office before 12 Noon the day before the election.
  • Return the voted ballot to our office before 8 p.m. on Election Day.
  • Refer to the School Election Calendar for details.

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How can I get an absentee ballot application?

The most convenient method for registered voters to request a school election absentee ballot (school board and referendum) is to visit the voter portal: The Department sends Absentee ballots for school elections by U.S. Mail because the Delaware Code does not permit electronic delivery or return of school election ballots.

Fillable/Downloadable Absentee Ballot Applications

1. This was designed for and works best if you have Adobe Reader as your default PDF viewer. Other PDF viewers may provide similar capabilities.

2. Fill out the ballot application completely. You must sign the form.

  • In Adobe Reader, select at the top of the page, use one of the two methods to sign the form, then select "Attach to email", and send the email to the Department of Elections Office in your
  • In other PDF viewers, select the sign function, sign the form, and then select "Attach to email" and send the email to the Department of Elections Office in your county, or
  • Print the form, sign it and then return it to the Department of Elections Office in your county by email, FAX or mail

3. You will receive your ballot in the mail. When it arrives, complete it by filling in oval next to your choice(s) with a pen with dark blue or black ink

4. Fold and put the voted ballot in the Return Envelope received with the ballot, moisten the return envelope flap (don't lick), seal the envelope, read the oath on the envelope, sign the oath, and drop the envelope in U.S. Mail. (NOTE: The envelope is addressed & return postage is paid.)

Please Note: Absentee ballot requests for school elections are fulfilled by U.S. Mail. After your ballot application is received and processed by your elections, you will receive your ballot, instructions for completing your ballot, and a postage-paid return envelope.


If this does not work on your computer, you also may download the completed form & then attach it to an email to your county elections office, or print out the form, complete it, and then scan it or take a photo & email it back to your county elections office:

To open and view the form, you need to have a pdf reader such as Adobe Reader


If you have trouble viewing the absentee ballot application, contact the Department of Elections for your county for assistance.

  • Kent County Office: 302-739-4498
  • New Castle County Office: 302-577-3464
  • Sussex County Office: 302-856-5367

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Will you mail an absentee ballot to me?

Yes, if:

  • The Department gets your application at least 4 days before the election;
  • Your application is filled out and signed by you; and
  • You are eligible to vote in the election.

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Will a permanent absentee voter be sent a absentee ballot for school board elections?

  • No, because permanent absentee status applies only to Primary, General, and Special elections. Please submit an absentee ballot application.

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Can I vote at your office?

  • Yes, between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on normal business dates or 8:30AM-12 Noon the day before the election.
  • Bring a government issued photo ID - Drivers license, State ID card, Passport, etc.

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How do I return my voted ballot?

By mail:

  • Obtain an Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections from the Department of Elections for the county conducting the election. You may pick up an affidavit at the respective Department or request in writing or by telephone that the Department mail an affidavit to you. Affidavits requested prior to 4 p.m. will in most circumstances be mailed the same day. Some counties provide a downloadable Affidavit.
  • Complete and return the Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections so that it arrives at the Department of Elections for the county conducting the election no later than noon the 4th day prior to the election. The Department of Elections for the county conducting the election will mail you the Absentee Ballot for the appropriate public school election as soon as the ballot is available.
  • Complete and return the ballot so that it arrives at the Department of Elections for the county conducting the election no later than 8 p.m. the day of the election. Ballots received after 8 p.m. on the day of the election will not be counted.

In person:

  • Go to the Department of Elections for the county conducting the election with proof of identity and address on any normal business day between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. until two days before the day of the election and between 8:30 a.m. and 12 Noon on the day before the election.
  • Present proof of identity and address to the Department of Elections staff member.
  • Complete an Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections.
  • Vote your ballot.

Hints about the process

  • Obtain and submit your Absentee Ballot Application for Public School Elections as soon as possible but no later than 10 days before the election.
  • Put your phone number and e-mail address on the application so that Department staff can contact you quickly if there is a problem with the application that you submitted.
  • If there is less than a week before the election, go to the the respective Department of Elections to vote in person.
  • Contact the Department of Elections conducting the election if you do not receive your ballot within a reasonable time.
  • Follow the instructions on completing and mailing your ballot. Make sure that the Voucher Envelope (the one that you date and sign) is sealed, and that you date it and sign it.
  • Put the ballot in the mail in sufficient time so that it will arrive at the Department of Elections conducting the election before the day of the election. If you do not think that there is sufficient time for the mail system to get the the ballot to the Department of Elections conducting the election, deliver it to the Department or have someone deliver it to the Department for you.

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What if I have a problem?

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How can I contact the Department?

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How do I find out if you counted my ballot?

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