Uniformed and overseas voters
Got my ballot by FAX
What came with my ballot?
- Instructions.
- Your voucher number.
- A return coversheet.
- A return envelope template.
- The oath.
- Your ballot
How do I vote my ballot?
- Fill in the oval to the right of each selection.
- Vote for only one candidate for each office.
- You may write-in the name of a candidate not on the General Election ballot.
- Get a list of declared write-in candidates from county Department's Web Site.
How do I mail my voted ballot back?
- Make a Ballot Envelope.
- Fold the ballot.
- Put it in the Ballot Envelope.
- Sign and date the oath on the back of the envelope, or
- Put the oath in the envelope with the ballot.
- Seal the Ballot Envelope.
- Write your voucher number, name and return address on the upper left corner of the Ballot Envelope. The voucher number is a six digit number in the FAX with your ballot.
- Mail the envelope.
- No postage is needed if mailed in the U.S. or via an APO or FPO.
- Send the ballot by air mail if you mail it at a foreign post office.
How do I make a Ballot Envelope?
- Print the envelope template for your county Department on an envelope.
- Print the oath on the back of the envelope.
- Print the envelope template and tape it or paste it on an envelope.
- Print the oath and tape it or paste it on the back of the envelope.
- Write your county Department's address on the front of an envelope.
- Print the oath.
Where do I get an envelope template and oath?
Here! Print the template for your county Department.
How do I email my voted ballot back?
- Sign and date the oath
- Get and fill out a cover sheet for your County Department.
- Write your name, voucher number, email address and phone number on the cover sheet. The voucher number is a 6 digit number sent with your ballot.
- Scan the cover sheet, your voted ballot and the oath into your computer.
- Attach the images of the cover sheet, ballot and oath to an email addressed to your county Department of Elections.
- Put your last name and the voucher number on the subject line.
- Send the email to your county Department of Elections.
How do I FAX my voted ballot back?
- Sign and date the oath.
- Get and fill out a coversheet for your County Department.
- Write your name, voucher number, email address and phone number on the cover sheet. The voucher number is a 6 digit number sent with your ballot.
- FAX the cover sheet, voted ballot and signed oath to your county Department of Elections.
Where do I get a cover sheet?
Print the cover sheet for your county Department of Elections:
How do I know you got my voted ballot?
- Check the State's Absentee Status Web Page.
- Call or email your county Department.