Any person who is a U.S. Citizen and 18 years of age or older on or before the day of the next general election may vote in any election if he or she is registered to vote in Delaware.
Click here for ways to register to vote.
Town and city charters determine voter qualifications for those elections. To vote in city or town elections you must contact the town or city office directly for that information.
To vote in school district elections a person must be a resident in the school district holding the election and be at least 18 years of age. You may vote by absentee ballot if you cannot be present on election day. Contact the appropriate Department of Elections for your county for information.
To vote in city elections that are placed on the state general election ballot a person must be registered with the state before voting.
- Each voter is assigned a polling place when he or she registers to vote. Polling places are located in a public or a private building near your residence. When you receive your polling place card in the mail the name and location of your polling place is printed on the card. You can find your polling location here
- As soon as you move, it is your responsibility to notify the Department of Elections for your county. They will update your records and supply you with new information about your polling place, etc. If you are still waiting to notify your County Department, you may still vote. You will have to call your County Department of Elections for information about your new polling place location and before voting there, fill out a change of address form. You may fill out a change of address in the Fail Safe Voting line in the polling place.
No. The Delaware Gaming Control Board has determined as a matter of law (Article II, ' 17A and 17B of the state Constitution) no candidate committee, political action committee, political committee or political party may conduct any type of gaming activity, e.g., bingo, casino night, raffle, lottery, etc.
Please refer to Section 7.0 thru 7.7.3 under General Content Requirements.
Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code states that political organizations are exempt from federal income taxes. In some cases committees become subject to taxation under the ordinary course of business or trade, for example, earned income derived from campaign funds. Contact the IRS office nearest you for more information including the correct form and the March filing deadline. You may read more about it at the Office of Law Revision Counsel.
You must file and report with:
Public Integrity Commission
410 Federal St., Suite 3 (Rm 213)
Dover DE 19901
Phone: 302-739-2399
First you need to speak with the Secretary of State's Office about running for any Federal elective office, such as, U.S. Senator or U. S. Representative. You will also be required to file information with the Federal Election Commission concerning your candidacy. To have your name placed on the Delaware ballot for an office in an election for which you qualify, you will have to pay a filing fee and file your name and office with the Commissioner of Elections.
SIGNS: "The Clear Zone Safety Law," As used in this chapter, the term "clear zone" has the following meanings:
(1)For all roads except those described in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the term includes the total roadside border area within a right-of-way, starting at the edge of the pavement and continuing for a distance of 10 feet perpendicular to the pavement edge.
(2) For all interior streets within residential subdivisions, the term includes the total roadside border area within a right-of-way, starting at the edge of the pavement and continuing for the shorter distance of either:
a. Seven feet perpendicular to the pavement edge, or
b. If there is a sidewalk adjacent to the street, the sidewalk edge further from the street.(3) The total area within the median strips between traveled ways or on any channelization islands, except as permitted by § 1108(d) of this title. (71 Del. Laws, c. 318, § 7.)
* City and Town Limit Boundaries
* Right-of-Way Limits in Subdivisions
* Right-of-Way Limits on all other Roads
* Legal Questions
- Contact information for the current elected officials can be found at the Delaware General Assembly.