Municipal Elections

Notice: This information is provided as a courtesy based on information provided by the municipality. Any questions should be directed to the municipality that the respective municipal Board of Elections is responsible for the conduct of the municipality's election.

New Castle County Municipalities

Kent County Municipalities

Sussex County Municipalities

* Municipality crosses county boundaries. Smyrna Municipal Elections are handled by Department of Elections - Kent County Office. Milford Municipal Elections are handled by Department of Elections - Sussex County Office.

**Maps are listed for municipalities that require voters in municipal election to be registered voters with the State of Delaware

Posting Schedule

  • Board of Elections - when a member or members is/are installed
  • Solicitation of candidates - 20 days before the filing deadline
  • Voter registration information - 20 days before the registration deadline
  • Absentee voting information - 20 days before the last day to send absentee ballots
  • Notice of Election - 20 days before the day of the election

Candidate and Municipal Forms and Templates